Published: December 2020
721 pages
ISBN: 978-1-9995842-2-1
Volume 2 - Revolution to Revival (1791-1900)
The Nation’s Gospel is a unique four-volume work, which takes the reader on a journey to explore how the Christian faith has been spread in Britain since the Reformation.
This is living history, telling the stories of the Christian faith of past generations and its outworking in society, which has much to teach us today.
Volume 2 (1791-1900) Revolution to Revival, covers the period from the dark days of the French Revolution, through the mid-19th century revival to the beginning of the 20th century. It describes the influence of the Clapham Sect, the Primitive Methodists, the Brethren and the Salvation Army, and the expansion of evangelism in the Church of England and other denominations, by a variety of means. These included education, tract distribution, family religion, open air preaching, colporteurs, missions and social work. Woven into this story of zeal are the intellectual challenges to the Christian faith and doctrine, coming from both inside and outside the churches
Author, Jeremy Thomas, spent much of his career in the City as a corporate lawyer with an international law firm. He has made numerous contributions to legal books and periodicals relating to public international law, human rights and general commercial law. He is a member of the Bishop’s Council of the Diocese of London and the Two Cities Area Council.
“Jeremy Thomas, in this authoritative and meticulously researched account of ‘The Nation’s Gospel’, gives us great insight into the impact of evangelisation, at times when the culture of the era was one of increasing secularisation. This highly informative volume should both encourage us and yet challenge us as we look back at our heritage, and give us a real sense of urgency as we share the good news of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ with a world that is fast descending into spiritual anarchy and chaos.”
W.E.G. (Bill) Thomas, Consultant Surgeon Emeritus and former Vice President of the Royal College of Surgeons. Former International President of the Gideons
“Jeremy Thomas is to be thanked for another thorough, readable and exciting account of an amazing period of church history. But this is a ‘warts and all’ story providing not only great encouragement but also lessons to learn from the compromises and mistakes that the church made. They still impact us today. Jeremy Thomas’s labour of love hands rich treasures for his readers.”
Roger Carswell, Evangelist