e-book: £3.50
Published: February 2017
104 pages
ISBN: 978-0-9956832-2-8
Gospel Culture: Living In God’s Kingdom
Cornerstones Volume 1
The gospel of the Kingdom is the good news that Jesus Christ is King of kings and Lord of lords, and is at work to redeem this fallen world, remaking it in accordance with his good purposes.
To speak of Gospel Culture is to speak of a total meaning for the cosmos − a design plan. This book helps us to consider what the gospel means for our culture today and to see the Lord’s will done on earth as it is in heaven.
Author, Rev. Dr Joseph Boot, is Founder of the Ezra Institute for Contemporary Christianity and the Senior Pastor of Westminster Chapel, Toronto. He is also Director of the Wilberforce Academy and Head of Public Theology at Christian Concern in the UK, and Senior Fellow of the think-tank truthXchange and the Centre for Cultural Leadership in the US.
“In ‘Gospel Culture’ Dr Joseph Boot seeks to bring the whole of the Christian tradition to bear on the whole world. Nothing is beyond the purview of the Gospel…God’s providence and purpose extend to every nook and cranny of the cosmos. We need such rigour of thought and abundance of compassion in our engagement with cultures today.”
The Rt Rev. Dr Michael Nazir-Ali
“What a breath of fresh air is this analysis by Dr Joseph Boot. He is a rigorous thinker, uncompromisingly committed to Biblical truth and unafraid to articulate it in the boldest way. He is a cultural theologian of the highest order.”
P. Andrew Sandlin, Founder and President, Center for Cultural Leadership, Coulterville, California, U.S.A.
I’ve read stacks of books describing the gospel’s relationship to culture but this one deserves to be at the very top of the choicest stack for several reasons. It’s a clear, succinct, precise, thought-provoking, and beautifully written book that I believe will prove to be a classic statement referred to over and over again….Dynamite can be packed in a small package—so it is here.
Goodreads Review by Bill Lliorca