Published: April 2016
ISBN: 978-0-957572-56-0
The Mission Of God: A Manifesto Of Hope For Society
The Mission of God is a clarion call for the church to recover a comprehensive gospel that applies the Lordship of Jesus Christ to all creation − from the family to education, evangelism, law, church, state and every other sphere of human activity.
Author, Rev. Dr Joe Boot, is the founder of the Ezra Institute for Contemporary Christianity and the senior pastor of Westminster Chapel, Toronto. He is also Director of the Wilberforce Academy and Head of Public Theology at Christian Concern in the UK, and Senior Fellow of the thinktank, truthXchange, and the Centre for Cultural Leadership in the US.
“This book is an intellectual masterpiece; it is first rate scholarship – a theological and historical gem… it is the theological apologetic to act out God’s truth in every sphere of life in 21st century Britain and beyond… This book is changing lives.”
Andrea Williams, CEO, Christian Concern and the Christian Legal Centre
“Bold, provocative and illuminating, The Mission of God is a potential game changer for modern societies. It challenges the secular modus vivendi and summons the Christian church to applied biblical radicalism.”
Jonathan Burnside, Professor of Biblical Law, University of Bristol
“As comprehensive an overview of the church’s mission in the 21st century as anything you will find presently available… a great achievement.”
Dr Peter Jones, Scholar in Residence, Westminster Theological Seminary, California
Prophecy Today UK review The Mission of God
“Where once abortion and homosexual practice were outlawed, divorce was difficult, and sex outside marriage was frowned upon, we now kill the unborn child when...”