e-book: £5.99
Published: June 2015
220 pages
ISBN: 978-0-957572-54-6
Magna Carta Unravelled
Magna Carta Unravelled traces the Christian origins and legacy of this Great Charter of liberty, focusing on the current challenges to individual liberty as examined by experts with backgrounds in politics, academic philosophy, the law and the church.
Authors include:
Baroness Cox
Professor Roger Trigg
Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali
Barrister Paul Diamond
Philip Quenby
John Scriven
Rev. Lynda Rose
Robert S. Harris
A joint venture with Voice for Justice UK.
“Magna Carta continues to compel Christian people to fearlessly explore what makes for human flourishing in a liberal democracy. Any wake-up call – such as this book – is rarely comfortable, occasionally inconvenient, always unsettling; but the issues discussed, of conscience, belief and freedom, refuse to be silenced.”
HH Judge David Turner QC
“This book emphasises the relationship between the dignity of our democratic traditions and the religious liberty of our citizens. It is a timely reminder of the proper limits of the power of the state and deserves to be studied widely.”
The Rt Rev. Dr Peter Foster, Bishop of Chester
“At a time when secular humanism is so energetically seeking to undermine the Judeo – Christian values of our culture, this book presents a brilliant and robust statement of the continuing significance of Magna Carta.”
Dennis Wrigley, Founder of the Maranatha Community