e-book: £5.50
Published: November 2020
124 pages
ISBN: 978-1-9995842-9-0
in his image –
a biblical introduction to social ethics
Human identity and sexuality are at the heart of the ethical war that rages in our society. Nowhere is the fallenness of humanity more evident than with these issues. Abortion is the silent genocide that is claiming millions of innocent lives all over the world. There is an assault on marriage – the institution given by God to bring stability and cohesion to the family. Then there is the issue of gender – the distinctive and dignified identity that God has given each one of us so that we can be men and women made in the image of God. Each of these areas is an ethical battleground. Dr McQuoid deals with each area with understanding and compassion.
He asserts that “there is one part of the created order that is more glorious than all the rest and that is the human race. Only human beings – the pinnacle of creation and image bearers of God – can mediate His will and purposes”, and encourages Christians to be salt and light, and stand up for Biblical truth.
In His Image – A Biblical Introduction to Social Ethics, with its final chapter captioned, Church – A Refuge for the Broken, will be of immense value to pastors, preachers and congregations as they grapple with the issues at the heart of our society.
“In His Image imparts understanding in a clear and accessible manner. In a world of conflicting voices, the voice of the church needs clarity and compassion. This book will help sharpen that voice with a solid Biblical grounding … As Christians living in this generation, part of our call is to challenge the culture when it stands against God and His ways. Read it, digest it and then tell it. A new generation of bold Christians speaking with clarity and conviction can change the culture.”
Ade Omooba MBE, Co-founder, Christian Concern
Dr. Stephen McQuoid is the General Director of Gospel Literature Outreach, a missionary organisation based in Europe. He has an extensive training and preaching ministry that takes him throughout the UK and abroad. He has a Diploma in Theology from Belfast Bible College, a BA in Biblical Studies from Trinity College, an MTh from the University of Wales, and an MA and a PhD in Theology from Trinity Theological Seminary. Stephen grew up in Ethiopia where his parents were missionaries.