Published: August 2013
202 pages
ISBN: 978-0-9575725-1-5
Christians In The Firing Line
Marginalisation of Christians in Europe, and particularly the UK, is becoming more common.
Christians in the Firing Line examines the cases of thirteen people who have been warned, blacklisted, suspended or dismissed for refusing to compromise their biblical principles in the face of officialdom seemingly hell-bent on bowing down to the ‘god’ of political correctness.
Author, Dr Richard Scott, has over thirty years of experience as a doctor, and has worked as a surgeon, GP an evangelist in England, India and parts of Africa. Dr Scott was prompted to write Christians in the Firing Line after he faced disciplinary action for talking about the Christian faith with a patient, having been given permission by the patient to do so.
“This is a courageous book by a courageous man who is himself one of the cases discussed here. Richard Scott is meticulously fair in describing how a particular case has arisen and how it has been dealt with.”
The Rt Rev. Dr Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali
“What emerges from these cameos is the ordinariness of the people portrayed, and how unremarkable were the circumstances leading to the actions initiated against them. There must be hundreds more instances where similar facts are already in place and a spark of contention could suddenly create another such conflict.”
Rod Badams, writing for Evangelical Times