e-book: £6.50
Launch: March 2022
214 pages
ISBN: 978-1-9161211-3-3
We are living in an era where the cult of the expert enables the increasing encroachment of civil government into areas of cultural and societal life where it does not belong. This growing statism must be countered by a distinctly Christian response. But what should a Christian proposal for social order look like? In this book, Dr Joseph Boot critiques the world as it is today and provides the basis for a Christian response to the socio-political crisis of our time. Ruler of Kings is contextual and current, but its solutions are biblically rooted and therefore enduring.
“Ruler of Kings reminds us that Christ’s sceptre of power rules over all of life, and that he will inevitably receive the inheritance of nations. A must read in our day.”
James R White, apologist, theologian and Director of Alpha and Omega Ministries, Phoenix, Arizona
Quote from chapter entitled ‘The Rule of Christ or Cult of the Expert’:
The history of every era is littered with the false prophecy of the intelligentsia of that time. To place ultimate trust in the ‘ideas’ of people is a fool’s gambit, like the unwise man who built his house upon the sands of lawlessness. But to put our trust in Christ and His Law-Word is to be wise and build our house on the rock (Matt. 7:21-27). Men’s ideas come and go, but the Word of the Lord stands forever… Only in this Word is there life and freedom for human society …
Contrary to popular opinion, Scripture does give Christians a mandate to apply the wisdom of God’s Law-Word to political life rather than relying on the idea of godless people. To neglect this task is to faithlessly abandon our society and culture to despotism and tyranny.
Quote from the chapter entitled ‘Religion, Government and the Secularist Illusion’:
It is evident that there is an unbreakable link between our concept of God, our view of ourselves, and how we choose to live in the world – which is to say, what we believe shapes how we behave. Our ideas have real world consequences. This is because, from a scriptural standpoint, human beings are integral creatures and religious by nature … humankind are made whole as God’s image bearers and find that all the various aspects of our lives and experience come together in a concentration point we often call the heart, or soul – the inner person or religious root of our being (2 Cor. 4:16; 1 Pet. 3:4).