ISBN: 978-0-9956832-3-5
Published in: October 2017
Kindle Edition: £6.50
Edmund Burke's Battle With Liberalism: His Christian Philosophy And Why It Matters Today
Edmund Burke’s Battle with Liberalism identifies the tension between an authentically conservative view of society as based on a shared identity, history and sense of belonging, and the dominant libertarianism of all major parties in the UK today.
“Samuel Burgess performs the signal service of discovering the Christian roots of Burke’s compassionate conservatism. In doing so, he supplies Christians today with a rich intellectual resource as they strive to get the measure of the anti-patriotic, multicultural, cosmopolitan, and secularist assumptions of the liberalism that now prevail among us.”
Professor Nigel Biggar, Regius Professor of Moral and Pastoral Theology, University of Oxford
“Sometimes it’s a voice from the past that chimes in with contemporary disorders and offers clarity and focus. In this highly readable study, Samuel Burgess connects the thinking and politics of the 17th and 18th century which included the French and American revolutions, to our own day’s belief in cosmopolitanism, self-determination and multiculturalism.”
Canon Dr John Twisleton
“It should be a matter of deep concern to all of us that the principled conservatism of Burke, widely regarded as the philosophical father of conservatism, is hardly to be found on the political spectrum today.”
Rt Rev Dr Michael Nazir-Ali
Samuel Burgess studied at the University of Durham, where he received a Vice-Chancellor’s scholarship and a first class degree in theology. He subsequently studied for an M. Phil at the University of Cambridge and a D. Phil at the University of Oxford. He is a former Kluge Fellow at the Library of Congress and has tutored in Christian ethics. He is the author of The Moral Case for Conservatism (Wilberforce Publications).
Canon John Twisleton gives 5-star customer review
“Sometimes it’s a voice from the past that chimes in with contemporary disorders and offers clarity and focus. The displacement of religion from the public square is…”