The Challenge of Islam

Outlines the challenges posed by Islam’s increasing influence in the UK and suggests how to respond.

Out now

The Nation’s Gospel Vol 3 (1900-1945)

Describes how the church allowed itself to be moulded by the culture around it 


The Nation’s Gospel Vol 2 (1791-1900)

Relates the expansion of evangelism and Christian social work in the 19th century


The Nation’s Gospel Vol 1 (1516-1791)

How the Christian faith was spread in Britain from the Reformation to Wesley

Beyond the Odds

In-depth history revealing the providence of God in the turning points of Britain's 20th century wars


Magna Carta Unravelled

Traces the origins of Magna Carta and the challenges to Christian freedoms today


Edmund Burke’s Battle With Liberalism

Shows how secular humanist liberalism undermines the God-given and organic order of society


The Moral Case For Conservatism

Shows how a conservative philosophy underpinned by Christian belief can be good for society

Banning Conversion Therapy - The Missing Evidence

Examines the lack of evidence for a ban on "conversion therapy" (sexual orientation and gender) 

Questions to ask your Muslim friends

A treasure trove for anyone who has a heart to share the love of Jesus with Muslims


Not The Same God

Refutes the claim that Allah is the same as the God of the Bible

Ruler of Kings 'Toward a Christian vision of government' - book cover  with a large crown consisting of  small hand drawn crowns

Ruler of Kings

A scripturally grounded response to growing state encroachment into our lives   


The Mission Of God

A theological masterpiece that applies the Lordship of Christ to all creation


Gospel Culture

Brings Christian teaching to bear on the world we live in




How to speak of the gospel to a secular world

in the Firing
Line 2

Conveys the impact of aggressive secularism sweeping across Britain

Available now


Christians In The Firing Line

The first book of UK Christians who have been in the courts for their faith


Belief And The Nation

Applies a Christian perspective to current public policy questions


In His Image

Explains the Biblical basis of God’s creation order and what this means for life at all its stages


The Marriage Files

A sociological study of the limits and future of marriage after ‘equal’ marriage


The New Normal

Shows how the transgender movement damages individuals and society


Jephthah’s Children

Tells the heartfelt personal stories of children raised by same-sex parents


Same-Sex Parenting Research

Refutes the theory that there is no difference between the outcomes of same-sex parenting and opposite-sex parenting


Noah and the Nestling

A heart-warming story that teaches young
children how precious early life is


What Are They Teaching The Children?

How State education undermines morality and the family


The Reshaping of Britain

A living record of contemporary history charting societal and spiritual changes over 60 years


Free At Last?

Explores the legacy of slavery in the UK


Beyond The Pandemic

Provides a Biblical view of God’s purposes during these troubled times

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The Post-Pandemic Church

Applies the messages of the Old Testament prophets to the Church today


Faith, Freedom & The Future

Discusses contemporary issues in the church and society