e-book: £3.50
Published: December 2017
142 pages
ISBN: 978-0-9956832-6-6
Gospel Witness: Defending and Extending the Kingdom of God
Cornerstones Volume 2
How should we think about Christian apologetics in a society where people are encouraged to discover, determine, and live their own truth?
In this short book, Joe Boot explains that Christ-centred gospel witness is about getting to the heart of a person, for the root of unbelief is a heart condition, not a lack of evidence or convincing arguments. Sin has a profound impact on the heart and human understanding.
Dr. Boot considers some of the prevailing worldviews in the West today, demonstrating that their foundational problem is a refusal to acknowledge Jesus Christ as Lord and King. As we think about and engage in witnessing to the gospel of the Kingdom, the heart and its attachment to cherished lies must be taken into account.
Author, Rev. Dr Joseph Boot, is Founder of the Ezra Institute for Contemporary Christianity and the Senior Pastor of Westminster Chapel, Toronto. He is also Director of the Wilberforce Academy and Head of Public Theology at Christian Concern in the UK, and Senior Fellow of the think-tank truthXchange and the Centre for Cultural Leadership in the US. He is also the author of The Mission of God (WP, 2016) and Volume 1 of the Cornerstones series, Gospel Culture (WP, 2017).
“A fresh, sharp and thoughtful book on Christianity and society, full of provocative and challenging insights on how we speak and live out the gospel in the 21st-century.”
Revd Canon J. John, Evangelist
Gospel Witness presents the modern reader with a profound analysis of the three systems that oppose belief in the truth of the Bible in our time—Islam, Religious paganism and Secularism…Boot has his finger on the pulse of modern apologetics.
Dr. Peter Jones, Professor Emeritus of Greek and New Testament, Westminster Theological Seminary, Escondido, and Director of truthXchange
Prophecy today UK reviews Gospel Witness
“The Gospel of Christ is what the West needs now more than ever before. As with the threatening colossus of the Greco-Roman culture that cast such a dark shadow over the early Church, today’s Christians face a similarly stark challenge in…”