Beyond the Odds - Providence in Britain’s wars of the 20th century

Casebound edition commemorating 80th anniversary of D-Day - £25

This special edition of Beyond the Odds – Providence in Britain’s Wars of the 20th Century commemorates the 80th Anniversary of D-Day, when Allied Forces invaded the beaches of Normandy in what was to be the largest amphibious operation in military history. The D-Day landings opened another major front in the Allies’ war against Germany in World War II – then in its fifth year – and were the start of a long and costly campaign that would mark a turning point in the war.

Over and above concerted intercession by Rees Howells and the Bible College of Wales, D-Day was hedged in by prayer. Prior to D-Day, army chaplains prayed with troops. On Sunday, 4th June, there was a prayer vigil attended by 400 officers and men of the Second Army HQ.

The D-Day landings would eventually lead to the liberation of Nazi-occupied France and Western Europe. In his ‘Personal Message from the Commander-in-Chief’, read out to all troops on Victory in Europe Day in 1945, Field Marshall Montgomery said:

What I have to say is very simple and quite short. I would ask you to remember those of our comrades who fell in the struggle. They gave their lives that others might have freedom … And we who remain have seen the thing through to the end; we all have a feeling of great joy and thankfulness that we have been preserved to see this day. We must remember to give the praise and thankfulness where it is due:

‘This is the Lord’s doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes.’ (Psalm 118:23)

Chapter 8 of Beyond the Odds, The Road to Victory 1943-1944, is a gripping account of the preparation, execution and outcome of the D-Day invasion, rich in details of knife edge decisions that had to be taken and God’s favour upon the nation. Other chapters consider further evidence of providence in Britain’s conflicts of the 20th century. The book includes a chapter on ‘Churchill’s Christianity’ and another on the ‘The Siege of Malta’.

Despite the terrible suffering in the wars, even at this distance in time, we have lessons to learn and much for which to be thankful. We hope that this 80th Anniversary of D-Day edition of Beyond the Odds – Providence in Britain’s Wars of the 20th Century reminds you that our God is a prayer answering God and inspires you to fervent prayer once again for our nation.

To order your copy of this commemorative edition, please send an e-mail to including a contact telephone number.